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You CAN move this to the SD Card leaving only 300k resident on internal memory.

The price seems a bit high to me, especially with all the free alternatives, but the spoken phrases don't sound computer generated so that may be a good value for you if you're not picking it up as the FAotD.

I think it's a little short on words, but about what you'd find in a phrase book, and it speaks the words to you rather than leaving you to muddle through foreign pronunciation. You're also getting multiple languages rather than just one you would likely find in a dead tree phrase book. language talking translator

The only negative point was that a spoken term, I forgot to note which one, was not the same as the words on the screen and obviously incorrect.

Run over your data files again, make sure to catch any of these minor errors, and this will be a five-star app for tourists.

Not what I'm looking for in the language app department, but pretty solid if this will fit your needs.

More information at MobiLearn Talking Phrasebook, English-French-German-Italian-Spanish